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Polymer Contract Research

The creation of custom polymers requires synthesis, analysis and manufacturing expertise. Using our vast experience, we offer polymer contract research to help you develop a polymer to fit your needs.

Custom polymer researching being done by a Chempilots expert

Experts in Polymer Chemistry, Analysis and Manufacturability

Each custom polymer has a unique, specific and valuable function. Obtaining that function requires expertise in polymer chemistry and synthesis, polymer physics, analysis and manufacturability, and knowledge about how it all works together. Using state-of-the-art facilities and industry experience, Chempilots conducts skilled research to help you develop your polymer product that fits your needs.

Is Polymer Contract Research the Best Option for You?

Do you require research in the field of polymer chemistry and processing. You can outsource your research requirements to us. Your product’s performance can be improved by enhancing scientific polymer disciplines. Whether you need research involving a new polymer, or research for troubleshooting an existing polymer, Chempilots can help.

Ability to Quickly Scope & Budget

Lets' hear your idea or problem and we can start looking for solutions. After conducting some desk research, we’re normally able to quickly scope and budget your project in-house. From the initial idea to final scale production, we can contribute.

A Wide Range of Research Capabilities

At Chempilots, we offer a wide range of research and development capabilities including custom polymer synthesis, polymer modifications, custom formulation, bench testing and analysis, and providing demo samples for your evaluation. 

Outsourcing Saves Time & Expense

You can outsource your research to benefit from saved time, costs and ressources, and taking advantage of external scientific skills and capacities. We have the equipment and expertise readily available so you don’t have to.

Fully Functioning 27,500 Square-Foot Facility

Our 27,500 square-foot facility includes research lab, analytical lab, test facilities, processing suites, and class 7-8 (10,000-100,000) clean rooms and more. We also offer prototype equipment build to demonstrate principles or critical project paths within our polymer labs.

Specializing in Hands-On & Accessible Contract Research

We pride ourselves on being direct and honest about your project. Communication lines are open, meaning you can at any time speak to us directly about your project. You are always welcome in our labs. Throughout our research, the information we gather about your polymer is just that: Yours.

Experience Our Polymer Analysis Services

Your custom polymer deserves in-depth research resulting in the highest quality finished product. To get started on your project today, send us a message.